
Unaccompanied Youth is Dave Dvorak, Joe Ahlquist, Jamie Babetch and Marshall Bauer, we are mass communication students at Winona State University working on our capstone project. A person categorized as an unaccompanied youth is a youth that is not in physical custody of a parent or guardian. This project grew out of hearing of an unaccompanied youth living in the Winona area and has expanded to the social story-telling project that it is. We encourage you to share your story with us. It can be confidential, or not, it's up to you! 

Unaccompanied Youth is a social story-telling project aimed at promoting a community for teenagers living on their own to share their stories and learn about other people’s stories about being an unaccompanied youth. We created a transmedia project which included elements of a blog, Facebook, QR codes, and flyers in order to engage viewers about our topic. 

Essentially what we created with Unaccompanied Youth is a story world, where viewers have to opportunity to engage the story on a multitude of platforms (flyers, mobile, blog, and Facebook). Viewers also are encouraged to share their own story dealing with their own experience regarding being an unaccompanied youth, or knowing someone who is an unaccompanied youth.

The main role of our Facebook page is to connect with the viewers. This means simply showing people our project. Using Facebook as a means for interaction with our viewers has also provided us with contacts. We found Bryce, Jennifer, and have the potential to find many more contacts (we encourage you to share your story!). We have also used Facebook to ask our viewers questions. By asking our viewers questions we were getting them involved in our story and getting their feedback.

Questions about the project can be asked via email at or by messaging us on Facebook
Thanks for looking! 
Joe, Dave, Marshall and Jamie|Unaccompanied Youth

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